
Total Registry download the last version for apple
Total Registry download the last version for apple

Fixed the appbar issues – the appbar will be always visible now. This leads to endless loop while trying to see what text size should fit into such bitmap. The reason it was so hard to find is the scenario where waze wants to display a bitmap but due to some reason the image size is 0.

Total Registry download the last version for apple

– After several frustrating weeks I finally succeed in repro’ing the map being stuck bug. You should expect better tiles management. – Fixed yet another endless loop causing map to get stuck Version () – Another day, another endless loop fixed You can now really follow the proposed track with moving the map across the path. No more map getting all blank when you swipe your finger fast. – As a result of the fix, map movement is much more reliable. – Now the map getting stuck was around the touch events handling – fixed Version () – And… another map stuck bug – Fixed null pointer exception in RTLMessageBox I hope missing tiles problem and search problems are over – HTTP Connections are much more reliable now. Version () – Missing Tiles / Search problems are over? Whenever you see a problem, click on this menu item and the logs will be sent to my dropbox. Splitting the function that consumes it solved the problem (at least for now). – Due to some voodoo cibyl does, the network session variable was nullified in unexpected places. Version () – Works on WP8 (at least on Nokia Lumia 920) By applying the same spell of splitting the crashing function into 2 pieces I managed to make the crashes go away. – Trying to close pop up messages in WP8 device led to unexplained crashes (voodoo). Version () – Yet another voodoo fix – Fixed a bug for honoring back button from the main screen. – You can set Home and Work favorites and their arrival ETA will show up on Waze live tile. Version () – Reviving Live Tiles for WP8

Total Registry download the last version for apple